I wrote this page originally to help me sell my classic Ampeg B-15-N Portaflex (flip-top) combo bass amplifier. I've sold the amp, but I leave this page around for Ampeg fans who might want to take a look at it.
I sold the amp because I'm not a tube amp kind of guy; these days I'm more of a small and lightweight amp kind of guy, and I haven't used it much since the early '80s when I bought a Polytone Mini-Brute III. This amp deserves, and will get, better than a life in my basement!
It has serial number 059675, which according to The Unofficial Ampeg Page, seems to imply a 1967 manufacture, though the page's author told me it might have been late 1966. I got it new in mid-1967 and sold it on 2002-01-30.
Here's a schematic of a 1968 B-15-N, which has got to be pretty similar to this amp.
Full frontal nude.
It still works, and the head sounds great.
The head.
The back of the head.
A look inside the cab.
This is the back of the speaker magnet. As far as I can tell, it says:
5815026The "137 628" part seems to indicate that the speaker was manufactured by CTS in 1966.
137 628
Here's the dolly. It's not in great shape, but it exists!
Jon DreyerLast modified: 2002-03-18